HikCentral-Workstation/32(C) Hikcentral-Workstation 32

HikCentral-Workstation/32(C) Hikcentral-Workstation 32


ÁFA mentes ár: 1.066.716 Ft

ÁFA mértéke: 288.013 Ft

ÁFA-s ár: 1.354.729 Ft


Cikkszám: HikCentral-Workstation/32(C) Kategória: Címke:


Intelligent, industrial grade desktops built for ultimate stability, expandability and performance.
Improved performance: ExpressResponse analyzes how you use your preferred apps to boost performance.
Unmatched connectivity: ExpressConnect provides the world’s first simultaneous multi-network connection that joins the best network available.
Simplified manageability: Elevate work experience with an easy-to-manage application that provides a seamless experience for both end-users and IT decision-makers.
Enhanced audio: Intelligent Audio delivers audio and mic enhancements and reduces background noise using Neural noise cancellation.

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